Travel: Life-Changing Vacation Tours of Israel!

Panorama of the Mediterranean waterfront of Tel Aviv - Israel

While Israel is relatively new to independence (celebrating only 70 years of independent country-hood in 2018), its ancient lands have seen a great deal of history and are home to numerous sites that are sacred to Judaism. Aptly called The Holy Land, Israel is filled with sacred places that make for really unique attractions, especially… Continue reading Travel: Life-Changing Vacation Tours of Israel!

4 Random Facts About Israel that You Probably Didn’t Know

Israel is the land of beautiful historical museums, mosques, temples, shrines, etc. and holds a special place for people following the religions of Islam, Christianity, and Judaism. While it has been a popular tourist destination for people from all over the world, there are some random facts about Israel and its art and culture that… Continue reading 4 Random Facts About Israel that You Probably Didn’t Know