Top Must-See Sites in Israel

For many, visiting Israel is a dream come true. Thus, the importance of maximizing your time while there is something tour operators take into great consideration when creating customized tours. If your unfamiliar with Israel the help of a knowledgeable tour guide is extremely beneficial. And there are so many amazing sites to see it’s… Continue reading Top Must-See Sites in Israel

Visit Beautiful Israel Synagogues

Abuhav Synagogue

A trip to the ancient land of Israel isn’t complete without a visit to some of its spectacular synagogues. You can easily request these sites from Israel travel companies which offer custom Israel itineraries. There are so many impressive synagogues scattered throughout Israel, in this blog entry we’ll look at three of them: the Hurva… Continue reading Visit Beautiful Israel Synagogues

Travel: Life-Changing Vacation Tours of Israel!

Panorama of the Mediterranean waterfront of Tel Aviv - Israel

While Israel is relatively new to independence (celebrating only 70 years of independent country-hood in 2018), its ancient lands have seen a great deal of history and are home to numerous sites that are sacred to Judaism. Aptly called The Holy Land, Israel is filled with sacred places that make for really unique attractions, especially… Continue reading Travel: Life-Changing Vacation Tours of Israel!