Israel Travel Advisory Service, LLC

Top 8 Activities for a Bar-Mitzvah Tour in Israel

Are you wanting to celebrate your son’s or daughter’s bar/bat mitzvah tour in Israel and aren’t sure what sort of activities you and your family can do? We’ve got you covered! At Israel Travel Advisory Service (ITAS), we have compiled our suggested top 8 things for a Bar-Mitzvah tour to help create lifelong memories and build a long-lasting connection to Israel.

1. Bar Mitzvah Ceremony Not surprisingly, the most significant activity to do is the Bar Mitzvah ceremony. Many people enjoy doing it at the western wall. However, because of the cermony restrictions required by the Western Wall foundation, many opt to have it elsewhere. Masada is a popular alternative.

2. Tour of the City of Jerusalem It is essential while arriving in Israel to visit Jerusalem, exploring the old and famous sites such as the church of the Holy Sepulcher, the streets of the Old City, and its renowned market.

3. Tour of Masada Many ancient sites across Israel represent the history of the Jewish people in the Holy Land. However, few of them seem equal to Masada. By visiting the ancient fortress constructed by the great builder of the holy land, King Herod, you will be able to learn about the great Jewish revolt against the Romans during the first century A.D. You can explore salt caves in this area, head to the beach, and enjoy the unique experience of floating in the Dead Sea. Masada is also a wonderful site for the bar/bat mitzvah ceremony overlooking the Dead Sea.

4. Tour the Galilee Be able to visit the mountain ridge known as the “Galilee” there are many beautiful spots and important historical sites. Suppose you are on a Bar-Mitzvah tour of Israel. In that case, we highly recommend you devote at least one day to Galilee and visit sites related to Rabbinical Judaism formation.

5. Visiting the “Independence Hall” in Tel-Aviv Consider visiting the “Independence Hall,” wherein 1948, David Ben-Gurion declared Israel’s state. Learn about how the Jewish community in Israel fought all its neighboring Arab countries and, against all odds, emerged to create the State of Israel.

6. Take On Extreme Activities Even though a Bar-Mitzvah tour to Israel is done mostly for educational and cultural purposes, it doesn’t mean you can’t combine it with other activities such as renting off-road vehicles and hit the road!

7. Visit Museums in Jerusalem Visiting Israeli museums will probably benefit you and your family; provide you with a chance to learn more about the history of the Jewish people, art, and technology.

8. Visit the Old City of David Get an opportunity to go underground and visit the city of David, where you can see the oldest remains of Jerusalem. Explore Jerusalem’s history in the archaeological site hidden underneath!

We hope our list of suggested activities is helpful as you plan your trip to Israel. ITAS offers a wide range of Israel tours catered to the Jewish community, including Bar Mitzvah Tours. Contact us today to get the most out of your visit to Israel!